Anything that a credit repair company can do, you can do yourself. By repairing, rebuilding and fixing your credit on your own you can not only save a lot of money but you can increase your credit scores and improve your credit through a variety of different actions. The first thing that you need to do when you are looking to repair, rebuild or improve your credit report is to obtain a copy of your credit. You are able to order your credit report for free one time per year from each of the three bureaus credit.
Once you have Obtained a copy of your credit report from each of the three bureaus you will be able to dispute any information contained within your report right online, directly with the credit agencies that are specific reporting the information. Make sure that you write down all of the user-names and passwords that you use while creating your account (s) and save them in a safe place. The first item that you should check your reports for are inaccuracies and information that is reported erroneously. Wrong information is one of the top reasons for declines in a person?s credit score. A consumer organization estimated that up to 79% of Americans have credit reporting errors contained within their credit report and 25% of Americans have errors that could cause them to be denied for financing. This is one reason why it is very important to check credit reporting errors at least once per year. Anything that is wrong or seems like it could be wrong, dispute it. If you have proof of the error, dispute the item (s) online and then mail in proof of the error to the address that the credit bureau provides. If there are any credit inquiries on your credit that you did not initiate, dispute them as well. Stay on top of your disputes and document the dates and times that you started your disputes and what you have done. The credit agencies and creditors are on a time-line to process your dispute inaccurate information or the must be removed from your credit. Next, if you have borrowed over 50% of the maximum credit limit on any of your credit cards, contact them and ask them if they can increase your credit limit. This will be for luxurious to your credit scores by improving your balance to limit ratios and this accounts for roughly 35% of your credit score. If they will not increase your limit or they will not increase it enough, then work on paying your balances down below 50% of your limit. The next method of repairing your own credit is to see if any of your family or friends want to add you to one of their credit cards with a long and good payment history and a good balance to limit ratio as to authorized users. This can help to increase your credit score within a little as days 30-60. This method of credit repair or rebuilding credit is also sometimes referred by to as credit piggybacking and has been around and used for years. This method of improving credit scores may not be around for very much longer, as lenders and the credit bureaus would like to see this benefit taken away, so utilize it while you can still. To obtain your free copy of your credit report one time per year, you can visit this site: Select your state and then follow the simple instructions to obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the three bureaus. Finally, there are a lot of other smaller factors that you can do to repair your credit . Stop inquiring about new credit for awhile, do not close unused accounts unless absolutely Necessary older, limit the number of credit cards that you obtain to no more than 5 (preferably 2-3), make your future payments on time, pay off all collection accounts or have them removed after 7 years, and make payments that are more than the minimum required (even if it is only a few dollars more). By staying on top of your credit and knowing the basics of credit and disputing errors you can repair and / or rebuild your credit quickly, easily and efficiently for a little bit of your time and effort instead of paying hefty fees to a credit repair company. id=?article-resource?> The author of this article, Dave Zwierecki, is the president of First Security Financial Service and has over 10 years of experience in the credit, mortgage lending, and home improvement fields. He is the owner of and, Which are sites devoted to the education of consumers regarding real estate, mortgage, credit, and home improvement related material.krill oil black friday 2011 rhodium uppity uppity stuffing brandon mcinerney
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