Saturday, March 17, 2012

[Psychology] All About Self-Hypnosis | explorer9360 on Xanga

[Psychology] All About Self-Hypnosis

Background:? [Psychology] All About Hypnosis


What is Self-Hypnosis?

Once you understand hypnosis you will see that all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis. The audio-videos here contain suggestions and affirmations but it is up to your to focus on them and want the change. Going to a hypnotist is more involved and depending on the expertise of the hypnotist you will almost always be able to experience hypnosis and self-hypnosis properly. If you haven't done hypnosis before then you need to practice relaxing deeply while saying affirmations to yourself and doing positive visualizations. The audio-videos on this website are perfect for learning how to use self-hypnosis with skill as the binaural beats guide you to a deeply relaxed state which helps you focus and the suggestions guide you on the path of proper selective thinking. This is also the sort of selective thinking that you should make a part of your 'self-talk' as how you think about yourself and the stuff you say to yourself is also a form of self-hypnosis.


Self Talk and Self Hypnosis

I?ve covered how hypnosis is a part of everyday reality. If you watch a movie it?s the equivalent of hypnosis as you are guided to experience the story. On the other hand if you are thinking a particular set of thoughts, such as angry or happy thoughts then you are doing self-hypnosis as your thoughts guide your emotional state.

Now I?m going to focus on self-talk as self-hypnosis to put another perspective of how hypnosis works.

In other words how you talk to yourself in your head ? the thoughts you think ? also create how you feel. In these instances you are doing self-hypnosis.

If you do a lot of negative thinking then you will create a lot of negative feelings in yourself. If you do positive thinking then you will create positive feelings in yourself. You are basically doing self-hypnosis all the time.

Suppose you encounter a problem and your thoughts are something like this:

?Another problem! Why does this always happen to me. If people would just listen to me then these problems wouldn?t happen. It?s so irritating to have this problem interfering with my plans today? and so on.

What you are doing in this case is negative self talk. In other words you are doing bad self-hypnosis.

In the same way if a friend of yours is upset and tells you about their problem like this;

?You know how when problems start and you feel helpless and you don?t know what to do and its as if everything is falling apart??

Then the friend?s negative conversation will create a negative effect on you (notice how saying ?you know when? makes you relate that other person?s negative experience to yourself). Of course it will only happen if you are following along and sympathizing with what you are being told. You will feel the negativity from your friend and you will feel bad.

In the above situation your friend has unintentionally done bad or negative hypnosis on you.

You probably get the idea by now.

Being in a negative environment, talking to yourself in negative terms (i.e. negative self talk) and having depressing conversation will all put you in a bad mood.

In other words you become highly focused on a negative perspective. This is the same as being hypnotized in a negative manner.

The reverse is also true.

If you ever encounter a problem and think,

?Oh a difficult situation! That?s OK. I can handle this like I?ve dealt with other negative situations in the past. I?ll just take a deep breath and imagine a peaceful scene, like a beautiful day at the beach. Now I am relaxed and ready to deal with the situation.?

Notice how the focus of your mind is on a positive perspective. You become highly focused on a positive outlook to a problem you are faced with. In this case you are doing positive self-talk or positive self-hypnosis.

Same applies to a conversation. If a person is upbeat and happy when talking to you and uses encouraging words, creating positive or empowering images ? and you are following along. Then this conversation is effectively good hypnosis.

Talking to a person is very similar to hypnosis. Some categorize it as conversational hypnosis. Learning how to talk in a way that both improves your own inner dialogue and how you talk with others makes you a good conversational hypnotist. If you are unaware of the power of words then you may do bad conversational hypnosis without even knowing it.

Keeping all the ideas here in mind you realize how powerful your mind can be on your emotional states. Simply swithching the focus of your mind and your thoughts from negative to positive will change you entire outlook and thus your emotional state of being.

When you have understood the processes of hypnosis and self-hypnosis and done some practice you will be able to do self-hypnosis anytime, anywhere providing you with greater control over your life and your interactions with others.?

In other words, self-talk is your internal dialogue which influences your emotional states and is a form of self-hypnosis.

Affirmations for Self-Hypnosis

One way to help you switch your internal dialogue from negative to a positive one is to practice affirmations.

Affirmations are used commonly in many self-help books and has become a staple of modern business life for several decades. Yet it is still an underused method in our time. Using affirmations is easy and regular use can serve as a reminder to you to think positive thoughts.

Affirmations can become even more effective when you use them in self-hypnosis. Just go to your meditative state and repeat your chosen affirmations to reprogram your subconscious giving you a boost in whatever self-improvement category you are focusing on.?

The rule of thumb in using affirmations is to focus your affirmation on what you want NOT on what you don?t want.

If you say, ?I don?t want to feel angry? you are doing a negative affirmation. Notice that you are creating a thought or mental image of being angry in this affirmation. The result will be that your anger will stay the same of increase.

Instead of saying, ?I don?t want to be angry?, say ?I am feeling calm and peaceful?.

Notice how you create the mental image of being calm and peaceful just by saying those words. Also notice you are saying the affirmation in the present, i.e. ?I am? feeling a certain way. Not ?I will? because that assumes the calm and peacefulness will come to you in the future and not now.

You can make the affirmation even more effective by stating it from the present into the future such as ?I am feeling more and more calm and peaceful everyday and in everyway?.

Notice how this focuses your mind on continuing to feel calm and peaceful into the future and creates the intention of increasing the calm and peace you want to feel

The following are some affirmations you can use. When you make your own affirmations make sure you model them on the ones listed here or on the ones in the videos on this website.

?I am feeling more and more confident?

?Everyday and in everyway I and feeling better and better and better?

?It is getting easier and easier for me to exercise regularly?


The Only Mental Attitude That Makes Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis isn?t ?hit or miss? nor is it a ?sure thing? or even ?mind control?. Many people have used hypnosis to quit smoking or lose weight but not all have succeeded. If hypnosis was mind control or a sure thing then everyone would be helped by hypnosis. So that myth is easily disproven by personal observation of the people who have experienced hypnosis. Of course, this leads to the belief that some people are ?hypnotizable? and some aren?t so a hypnosis session will either work or not work. This isn?t true either. Hypnosis is simply a state of focused concentration. Everyone can focus their attention. So hypnosis (and self-hypnosis) will work every time providing the person has no misconceptions or fears of hypnosis (i.e. they know they will also be aware and their minds can?t be controlled) AND they have the right attitude.

There is only one attitude that makes hypnosis and self-hypnosis work?

That attitude is ?I love this affirmation/suggestion and I want this change in myself?. If you focus your attention in a relaxed hypnotic state ?with a genuine desire to achieve the change you are aiming for ? then and only then can you re-program your subconscious mind with the new beliefs.

Three attitudes that block hypnosis and self-hypnosis from working

  1. Don?t like the affirmation/suggestion ? If you don?t like what you are hearing then, of course, you won?t want it to be a part of you. So it won?t. This is how it is in everyday waking life and how it is in hypnosis.
  2. Neutrality ? If you don?t care whether a particular affirmation/suggestion works or not then you have a neutral perspective. If you are neutral then you don?t have enough desire to make the change a part of you. So it won?t work.
  3. You ?hope? it works ? If you like what you?re hearing and want it to be a part of how you see and deal with life, BUT don?t really believe you can do it, then it won?t work. You may hope that you could make the particular change you heard in the affirmation/suggestion but you don?t believe it.


Related:?Creating a Practice?and?Self-Hypnosis Script


From my website

Your Subconscious Mind

Everything you have experienced in your life is recorded in your subconscious mind. If I were to ask you what is 4 plus 4 you would answer eight. That?s your conscious mind. If I ask you what you had for lunch 6 weeks ago you won?t have any conscious recollection of it. However, your subconscious mind will remember in perfect detail. When you are driving you are probably thinking about many things. Everybody does.

Many people love to drive when thinking just like some people prefer walking. If you are driving and thinking about work or your weekend plans then what part of you is paying attention to driving? The answer is your subconscious mind. If there is an obstacle your subconscious mind will make you step on the brake before you can make any conscious decision. Everyone has experienced being so deep in thought that they don?t remember the turns they took to get to their destination. You drove the entire distance guided by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind doesn?t think. That is a function of your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind just reacts based on the information stored in it.

If you are feeling cold while sleeping or need to go to the bathroom then your subconscious mind will wake you up. When you learn something new you have to pay conscious attention. For example, when learning to drive a car you first have to be conscious of the gas pedal, the brake, the distance between you and the other cars, the lights etc. Once you have learned to drive then this knowledge becomes a part of your subconscious mind and you just drive. The subconscious is like a vast storehouse of your knowledge and beliefs. If you hear something negative about yourself, while growing up (or as an adult), and accept it as true then that will be stored in your subconscious mind as a belief about yourself. For example if your teacher said things to you like, ?Why are you so stupid? or ?You just don?t have a brain in your head? or ?You will never succeed or make anything of yourself? and you believed her then those beliefs about yourself are part of your subconscious mind. Since your subconscious mind acts on what it knows you will be insecure about your intelligence for the rest of your life ? unless you change your negative beliefs into positive ones. Consciously believing yourself to be intelligent will not work as your subconscious mind has been programmed.

This means that your subconscious will sabotage your efforts in areas where you have negative beliefs involved. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are the most effective means to change your subconscious programming. To attain a proper state for self-hypnosis you have to stop your analytic mind (your thoughts and doubts) something which occurs naturally in meditation.

Deep relaxation helps remove extraneous thoughts and allows you better focus. So relaxation is an important part of both hypnosis and self hypnosis. Once you are relaxed and focused you are in a state of ?hypnosis?. You will be awake and aware as you don?t lose consciousness or fall asleep. Sleep is useless for hypnosis and self-hypnosis. You have to be aware and focused. Your conscious mind also has a role to play. Consciously you have to adopt the attitude, ?I love this affirmation/suggestion and I know I can make this a part of how I see the world?. While you are in your state of relaxed focused attention ? with the attitude of ?I love this? ? you are reprogramming your subconscious mind. Of course, many negative beliefs programmed in your subconscious mind have been there for years.

This means you may have to do self-hypnosis several times before you successfully reprogram your subconscious mind permanently. If you have a conscious attitude that is anything other than ?I love this affirmation/suggestion/visualization? then no hypnosis method will work. In other words if you don?t like the affirmation/suggestion or it makes you uncomfortable or you don?t really care about it or you ?hope? it works but you don?t believe it will then you will not be able to do any subconscious reprogramming. Since you are aware of everything that is said to you (when doing hypnosis), anything the hypnotist says that you don?t like or don?t believe in will get ignored by your subconscious mind. That is why self-hypnosis can be so effective. You choose what you want to focus on that fits what you want and how you see the world. In other words, you can tailor a self-hypnosis session in any way you desire.


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