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Scumbag_Brain - Member for 1 years
Goblins by Scumbag_Brain

Goblins are a kneehigh species of low to moderate intellect covered in green frog-like skin and sporting a pair of large pointed ears. Native to the wetlands of the south, wild goblin tribes once numbered in the tens of thousands. They now number in the hundreds of thousands, a trend of population growth at odds with other monsters who have seen their numbers drop near to zero after encountering the humans. Goblins, however, were lucky enough to be perfectly adapted for life in the sewers of the expanding kingdoms. Those not shipped to reservations in the west found new homes beneath the streets. There they scavenged for a living and accumulated wealth through the only means open to them, crime.
For the 'civilized' races, goblins are a plague, infesting the city substructure like packs of sentient rats. Young adventurers often start their careers by descending into the dank underworld in search of goblin heads. Goblins are not only small but preternaturally limber so chasing them through the narrow pipes of the sewers is no easy challenge. They also excel at traps and ambushes. Attacking from hiding and in great numbers, they have overpowered many a confident warrior or wizard.
Only a very small percentage of the goblin population actually lives on the reservation and even fewer of those keep the old ways alive. More shamans die every year and every year more goblins convert to the self hating dogma peddled by human priests.

Scumbag_Brain - Member for 1 years

As a race:
The creatures that were originally sculptures or ornaments have been known to become animated if in a place of healing or holy worship. They are immortal until they either shatter or erode and are surprisingly quick. They are active mainly during the night time but if disturbed they will move during the day light but at a slower rate than during the night.
Different breeds of Gargoyle have been proven to exist. The oldest and most aggressive yet fragile are made of wood and can be easily disposed of if burnt thoroughly. Wooden Gargoyles will attack and feed on any living creature. If one encounters a wooden Gargoyle they should grab a large weapon or run and tell the local authorities.
The youngest and most durable and dormant being the metal gargoyle which has not developed sufficient energy to be any real threat. They feed on passing birds and animals. To dispose of a metal gargoyle you must allow it to rust and decay and then break it away piece by piece. If one encounters a metal Gargoyle they should let the local authorities know and maintain watch on the creature.
Now beware the most cunning of Gargoyle, the stone gargoyle. It has been existence long enough to gain strength to move and is made of a solid material that fire and water do not have such a great effect. This gargoyle has to be shattered or left alone. A rare few have been known to be civil but the vast majority keep to the monasteries they were placed and feast upon the dying or the frail. If one encounters a stone gargoyle and it doesn?t greet them there best bet is to leave it alone and warn the authorities.
No gargoyle is identical and they are masters at blending into there surroundings. If one suspects they are being hunted they should get into a large open area and call for help off anyone nearby.
Weaponry and abilities of the Gargoyle:
If one is to fight a Gargoyle ensure it is during the daylight hours and outside.
Gargoyles can be found with any kind of weapon. Most commonly found with halberds and axes but it is not impossible to find one armed with nothing but its claws. If a gargoyle wishes it can allow itself to appear inanimate by simply staying still, this can cause confusion within its opponent or its prey and allow for it to preform an ambush when the moment is right. Gargoyles have also been known to be exceptional users of holy magic if they have came from a holy ground. They can climb on any surface and move at fast speeds if in the dark. Although a gargoyle may be made to have wings they are far too heavy to fly and the only ones that can glide are wooden gargoyles due to the light nature and how they can be swept up by the strong winds. During the daylight however they can not climb on any surface and so there performance is reduced. Due to the fact they are nocturnal they have enhanced vision at night and dulled vision during the day. Due to the Gargoyles slow metabolism they must only eat once a month or risk damaging themselves.
All alone and the fire grows

pathfinder Z - Member for 0 years
Vampire are said to have appeared 400 years ago, but they were only recognized as ?real? 200 years ago. The official story says that a necromancer named Juniper Betz was researching immortality, the fruit of this research was a process in which he could take the life force of other living creatures. This new magic allowed him to become immortal, this came with a price. He no longer could get nutrition from normal food, his body could only work once he ingested pure life energy, which was easiest to obtain through the blood of living beings.
This gave the necromancer the incredible ability to use life force itself as a means to use magic, this type of magic would later be called ?blood magic?. Blood magic is a brand of the magic arts that uses life force itself as means of energy, this makes blood magic very good at interacting with living beings. This include mind control, shape shifting, creation and destruction of life forms and others.
After a while Juniper started a new cult dedicated to his worship,in time those devout enough received the gift of immortality. The cult grew in numbers quickly as the word spread about the miracle powers of Juniper. But once the cult became large enough Juniper and his minions could no longer feed only on their followers. They started hunting the nearby area for humans, soon enough everyone close to the castle was forced to give away their lives or become a devout follower. 50 years later and the area was devoid of any life. The cult slowly began to dwindle, some vampires fought and ate each other, others just left to the wilderness and others left to the cities of the humans.
A small group of vampires formed in the human cities. They began to think of themselves as better than any other race. They constructed a plan to infiltrate and control the human government by political means. For 150 years the vampires worked in the shadow, trying to manipulate their way into the human governments to try and obtain ultimate control. But the vampires arrogance and thirst got the best of them. After a while the constant reports of dead people and the strange disappearances forced the government to launch an investigation. The political power that vampires had helped them at first, but once wards were created to detect necromantic power their true identities were revealed. The whole vampires organization was destroyed, they were proclaimed ?evil? by the government and they have been hunted as monsters ever since.
Now hunted for 200 years, vampires are the verge of extinction, those who survive are cunning and ruthless. most stay way from the human and elven magics that can easily find them. they use their ability at shape shifting to integrate to other races and they are rarely seen close to cities. The last sign of the once powerful vampire race that remains is the old castle of the necromancer. Although abandoned, most peasants and knights stay away from it, as it is thought that if you enter those walls you might end up a vampire yourself.
Vampires Strengths
Vampires are incredibly strong and agile, they are immortal and regenerate at incredible rates while they remain well fed. They can use blood magic, which is exclusive to them and the Dhampirs. Although they can shape shift few are good enough to actually take the shape of anything other than a humanoid race.
Vampire Weaknesses
Vampires are relatively weak to direct sun light. The more a vampire stays in the sun light the weaker he becomes. Being the product of necromancy vampires are also weak to holy magic.
Dhampirs are the half human/ half vampire hybrids. Officially they don?t exist but some branches of the government are investigating this phenomenon. Dhampirs are almost human. They retain their ability to eat normal foods but this can only act as temporary solutions and sooner or later they have to feed on the life energy of live creatures.
Dhampirs also have some very big differences with the normal strain of vampires. Dhampirs are more human than vampires in a certain way. They cannot be detected with the wards that detect normal vampires. They are not affected by sunlight and they do not have such a strong weakness to holy magic, Holy magic does not harm them but it?s not very good at healing them either. Because of this most Dhampirs can live in the cities with general impunity and most of them do.
On the other hand Dampirs Physical abilities and blood magic capabilities are usually weaker than the normal vampires because they don?t usually feed unless they have to. With a similar diet vampires and dahmpirs do have the same the capabilities with 2 notable exceptions.
Number one, Dhampirs are not immortal they do have a very long life span (around 300 years) but contrary to vampires as they feed their bodies create a combination of an immunity and an allergic reaction to the life energy of other beings. They will need to feed more and more as times go by but at the same time the life energy triggers an adverse effect that becomes more extreme with each consumption. Dhampirs that have the same diet as a normal vampire tend to life around 200 years and than die quick deaths thanks to the allergic reaction.
Number two, dhampirs are relatively bad at shape shifting and the creation or transfiguration of living beings. Because of this Dhampirs tend to move away every 10 years or so to avoid suspicion.

TechGorilla - Member for 2 years
Ogres are a species of large bipeds native to the mountainous region Tuchanka, an area known for its harsh climate, scarce resources, and overabundance of vicious predators. Due to the brutality of their surroundings, natural selection has played a significant role in the evolution of the Ogre. Their thick hides are virtually impervious to cuts, scrapes or contusions, and they are highly resistant to environmental hazards, including toxins, radiation, and extreme heat and cold. Consequently their diets can include food and drink which would prove very dangerous to other species?a fact reflected in the Ogre liquor of choice, ryncol, which "hits humans like ground glass". Younger Ogre have yellow or blue tint to their skin only maturing to a deep green after puberty. Their bones are incredibly thick and dense making them nearly impossible to break. Do to that they can fall from incredible heights which is quite common for younger ogre growing up on the mountains more dangerous areas. Ogre are famous for their size and strength, growing to around 11-13 feet. There are legends that say it was Ogre's that formed the mountains by tearing into the earth and piling it up to reach the clouds.
Culture and Government
The harsh Ogre homeland conditioned Ogres psychology for toughness just as it did the body. Ogres have always had a tendency to be selfish, unsympathetic, and blunt. They respect strength and loyalty and tend to view treachery and betrayel to ones Krantt as a death wish. The weak and selfless do not live long. Young Ogre undergo a rite of passage that is overseen by a shaman respective to the clan the Ogre wishes to join. This rite consists of battling various wild fauna, ending with an encounter with a thresher maw. Merely surviving for five minutes is considered proof of worthiness. Killing the thresher maw increases the initiate's prestige and standing. Few outsiders have seen the rite of passage take place, even though there are no rules in Ogre tradition that state that a non-Ogre can't help with the undertaking of the rite by acting as the participants Krantt. The rite of passage and all other rites and traditions are preserved by the clan shaman. The shaman must undergo lengthy and torturous rites to assume the position, and is required to give up his name. Because of this level of commitment, the shaman is one of the most respected members of a clan. Membership of a clan allows a Ogre to own property, join the Horde and apply to serve under a Battlemaster. Ogre have powerful territorial instincts which serve them well in combat, but can create problems; when traveling on the road, for example, Ogre find sharing quarters nearly impossible.
Ogres have strong religious beliefs. One such example is the ritualistic burial grounds called the Hollows, where the skulls of their ancestors are displayed to remind them of "where we all come from, and where we all go." The Hollows are as sacred as any Ogre place can be, and violence there is forbidden. "The Void" is the Ogre version of the afterlife. The only Deity Ogre are known to pray to is Okeer, believed to be the first Ogre. Though Ogres do recognize other deities whom they call "The Old Gods".
Military Doctrine
Traditional Ogre tactics are built on attritional mass-unit warfare. Equipped with cheap, rugged gear, troop formations were powerful but inflexible. Command and control was very centralized; soldiers in the field who saw a target only needed wait for the order to charge. They focus on developing clean, brute-force economy of motion that exploits their brutal strength to incapacitate enemies with a swift single blow of overwhelming power. Battle Masters and Sergeants are not 'spit and polish,' but they do believe in being well-armed and equipped, preferably with a weapon for each limb. They are callous and brutal, but methodical and disciplined. They use any means at their disposal to achieve their goals, no matter how reprehensible. Hostage-taking and genocide are acceptable means to ensure victory.
Ranking System
The Ogre Horde is broken down into unabashedly simple ranks. At the very top you have the Supreme Battle Master. The Ogre version of a king, will rule with an iron fist. Though discouraged it is not uncommon for the Supreme Battle Master to engage in combat personally, he is Ogre after all.
Councilmen are the members of the Supreme Battle Master's war council. Technically his advisers. Chosen from the Battle Masters who have proven their worth to the horde and most importantly The Supreme Battle Master.
Battle Master is the title given to the commanders of the separate clans in the Horde. Each clan has a Battle Master who is permitted to run things as he sees fit in his village.
Sergeants are in charge of the individual squads or "Krantt" of Ogre warriors. There are usually anywhere from 2 to 20 Sergeants per clan depending on the size of the village.
I should go.

Bromander Shepard - Member for 0 years
ZombiesZombies are often confused by the living to be the same as skeletons in the fact that both are undead. While they share a few of the same characteristics there are actually a load of differences. First off, zombies rarely form naturally. Despite all of humanities constant ranting and raging against necromancy, their kind are the ones that practice it the most. And zombies are the unfortunate bastard children of the livings constant intrusions into the realm of the dead
Since most zombies are the byproduct of some back fired attempt from a magician trying to break the natural rules, zombies have a varying degree of behavior. Intelligence can range depending on the type of zombie. Some are about as dumb as a sack of hammers, while others are able to keep hold of some of their memories from when they were alive. Their general abilities depend on how they were formed. However they do share some of the more common traits with other forms of undead, such as being stronger at night, vulnerability to fire, being strong against physical attacks and most having a weakness to holy magic (due to most being forged from necromancy).
Zombies tend to harbor resentment toward beings that practice necromancy, due to subconscious blame at the living creatures that dragged them out of their resting places in the afterlife and shoving them into rotting husk.
The most well known kind of zombie is the lich. A lich is able to keep hold of it's memories from life, and sometimes it's own time in the after life if they are allowed, which makes them much smarter then the mindless thralls that work as slaves for necromancers. More dangerous to, as a lich can operate independently and even preform magic. A lich can either be made by a necromancer trying to raise someone from the dead or the necromancer trying to turn undead themselves in an attempt to prolong their time on the living world. The magic that binds a zombie to a necromancer in considered very painful to the undead, giving a feeling like its suffocating when the magic puts a strangle hold on their souls. Raised liches often turn on their masters when they get the chance, which helps cement the popular opinion that all undead are evil even though the lich in question is just trying to stop the necromancer from tormenting it.
slimes are arguably the most common, varied and wide spread species in the world. A slime is a strange genderless life form made entirely of liquid. They can be found almost anywhere in the world, from under city sewers, too deep forest, to high mountain ranges, too deep underground caverns, but they mostly prefer area's with access to water. And while they most often encountered and referred in the traditional form of a 'slime', they do have a a huge number of sub-species variations.
Adventurers mostly regard slimes as little more then annoying pest that are at best harmless and at worst annoying. And usually their right, as most slimes are small and aren't aggressive unless provoked, making slimes little more then a distraction. The key word, however, is usually. Some slimes are made out of dangerous substances, making their bodies deadly weapons against hostile creatures. Examples can range from acid, to poison or diseases. Sometimes they can even be made out of liquid metal, able to make their bodies hard and able to crush their enemies with blunt force. Some rare variations are even made of lava! And even if they didn't have these particular breeds as part of their kin, slimes can be extremely dangerous when in groups. All slimes have the innate ability to combine their bodies with others to make larger slimes. Most slime related death are the result of some foolish adventurer thinking they could pass the time bullying some poor defenseless slime, only to turn around and find that it's friends and merged together into a very large, very angry behemoth slime.
Since they often share the sewers with goblins, some slimes are known to coexist peacefully with goblin tribes. The relationship can be from being simple neighbors, to acting as companions.
There are a few facts about slimes that most people aren't aware of. The first is that slimes are actually nearly immortal, in meaning that they don't age. And while the more common breeds are as easy to beat as taking a single swing, actually killing a slime permanently requires effort in removing the remains as they can simply reform themselves after several hours. The exact length of time a slime needs to reform, however, depends on a few factors such as it's size and body make up.
The other fact is that slimes actually are sentient, indeed they will sometimes even take on humanoid shapes for short periods of time. They even have their own language, however few outside of their race can make sense of it, as it mostly consist of squeaks, whistles, and whines. Exactly how intelligent the slimes are is up for debate though. They rarely show examples of their apparent intellect, and there is little to say on how to tell if one slime is any more intelligent then the other.
As you can probably tell there aren't exactly a lot of epic tales of battles with the slimes told by bards. The closest thing to any real excitement with them is the occasional territorial battle between magma slimes and dwarves. Even then the dwarves usually back off as there rarely is anything valuable enough to bother trying to pillage from magma slime nest. However there is one old story about the 'mother' slime, the suppossed goddess that all slimes are decended from that was said to be 'as big as a castle'. This is regarded as just a made up story by some drunken adventurer trying ti make himself sound more impressive.

Wake - Member for 1 years
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